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Items settings

Setup gui items

DisplayName - Displaying the item name
Enchanted - Has 2 data types: true or false, if true - the item will be enchanted
Lore - Description of the item
ModelData (optional) - Custom model data

Example lore

- "&cVery cool lore"
- "&dYeah, its colored"
- "&bPlaceholders? %keys%"


  • %keys% - Number of player keys
  • %case% - Name of the case

Slots - A list or range of slots that this item will be in

Example list

- 0
- 8
- 9-16 # can be like range

Material - Item material, all item types are described here
Rgb (optional) - Ability to change the color of leather items

Example RGB

Rgb: 123, 50, 15

Type - Type of item, there are 3 types:

  • DEFAULT - a normal item for the beauty of GUI
  • OPEN - an item that opens the case (or you can use OPEN_<anotherCaseName> for opening another case)
  • HISTORY - an item that displays the history of recent case openings

Example type for opening another case

Type: OPEN_donate
# donate - another case name

Setting up an item with type HISTORY


  • %player% - Player name
  • %group% - Group name
  • %groupdisplayname% - Group display name
  • %time% - Case opening time
  • %action% - RandomAction name
  • %actiondisplayname% - RandomAction display name
  • %casename% - Case name
  • %casedisplayname% - Case display name
  • %casetitle - Case title

Type: HISTORY-[index]-[case] (index - index of recent case openings, range 0-9; case - case type optional)

DisplayName: "&c%player%"
Enchanted: false
- '&6Group &f- &c%group%'
- '&6Time &f- &c%time%'
- ''
- 36
# Material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK - The material will already be like player_head, if commented, can be DEFAULT, if you want to use win item material
Type: HISTORY-0-case # 0 is the index of recent case openings, range 0-9; case is the case type, if null, then default case type (optional)

You can use HISTORY-[index]-GLOBAL option, if you want to display sorted opens of all cases

Setup win items

Group - A group that is given to the player as a prize
Chance - The chance at which this prize is awarded
GiveType - Award type, if ONE, then the player is given only one prize (Actions), if RANDOM, then a prize with different chances is selected (RandomActions)


  • %player% - Player name
  • %group% - Group name
  • %groupdisplayname% - Group display name
  • %casename% - Case name
  • %casedisplayname% - Case display name
  • %casetitle - Case title


  • [command] - a console command will be executed
  • [broadcast] - a message will be sent to all players
  • [message] - a message will be sent to player who opened case
  • [title] - the title will be sent to the player who opened the case (sign ; separates the title from the subtitle)

GiveType: ONE

      Actions: # GiveType: ONE
- '[command] lp user %player% parent set %group%'
- '[title] &aCongratulations!;&5you won %groupdisplayname%'
- '[broadcast] &a>&c>&e> &c%player% &6won a donate %groupdisplayname% &6from &5Ultra-Case.'

GiveType: RANDOM

      RandomActions: # GiveType: RANDOM
Chance: 50 # Chance between random actions
DisplayName: "something" # displayname for historydata displaying
- '[command] say something'
- '[broadcast] &a>&c>&e> &c%player% &6won a donate %groupdisplayname% &6from &5Ultra-Case.'
Chance: 50 # Chance between random actions
- '[command] say something'
- '[broadcast] &a>&c>&e> &c%player% &6won a donate %groupdisplayname% &6from &5Ultra-Case.'

Alternative actions

It is performed when the player's group is higher than the one he won (available for both types of GiveType)

      AlternativeActions: # GiveType: any, it doesn't matter; is performed if the group is lower in rank than the player's group in LevelGroups
- "[message] &cI'm sorry %player%, but you have group a stronger group than you won:("

Actions cooldown

[cooldown:<delay in seconds)] With this option, you will be able to perform actions with a certain delay.

      Actions: # This command will be executed 1 second after the case is opened
- '[cooldown:1][command] lp user %player% parent set %group%'