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Items settings

Setup gui items

DisplayName - Displaying the item name
Enchanted - Has 2 data types: true or false, if true - the item will be enchanted
Lore - Description of the item
ModelData (optional) - Custom model data

Example lore

- "&cVery cool lore"
- "&dYeah, its colored"
- "&bPlaceholders? %keys%"


  • %keys% - Number of player keys
  • %case% - Name of the case

Slots - A list or range of slots that this item will be in

Example list

- 0
- 8
- 9-16 # can be like range

Material - Item material, all item types are described here
Rgb (optional) - Ability to change the color of leather items

Example RGB

Rgb: 123, 50, 15

Type - Type of item, there are 3 types:

  • DEFAULT - a normal item for the beauty of GUI
  • OPEN - an item that opens the case (or you can use OPEN_<anotherCaseName> for opening another case)
  • HISTORY - an item that displays the history of recent case openings

Example type for opening another case

Type: OPEN_donate
# donate - another case name

Setting up an item with type HISTORY


  • %player% - Player name
  • %group% - Group name
  • %groupdisplayname% - Group display name
  • %time% - Case opening time
  • %action% - RandomAction name
  • %actiondisplayname% - RandomAction display name
  • %casename% - Case name
  • %casedisplayname% - Case display name
  • %casetitle - Case title

Type: HISTORY-[index]-[case] (index - index of recent case openings, range 0-9; case - case type optional)

DisplayName: "&c%player%"
Enchanted: false
- '&6Group &f- &c%group%'
- '&6Time &f- &c%time%'
- ''
- 36
# Material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK - The material will already be like player_head, if commented, can be DEFAULT, if you want to use win item material
Type: HISTORY-0-case # 0 is the index of recent case openings, range 0-9; case is the case type, if null, then default case type (optional)

You can use HISTORY-[index]-GLOBAL option, if you want to display sorted opens of all cases

History not found

Advanced customization is also available for this type of item. If the recent discovery index is not yet populated (the case has not been opened), you can set a completely different item instead of history in the HistoryNotFound section:

DisplayName: '&c%player%'
Enchanted: false
- '&6Group &f- &c%group%'
- '&6Time &f- &c%time%'
- ''
- 36
# Material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK - Material will already be player_head if commented out, can be DEFAULT if you want to use the winning item's material
Type: HISTORY-0-case # 0 - index of recent case openings, range 0-9; case - case type, if empty, will be the default case (optional)
HistoryNotFound: # Section for unfilled indexes
DisplayName: "&cNot found"
Material: BARRIER
#Enchanted: false
# - "&cSorry..."
#ModelData: 1234
#Rgb: 255,255,255.

Setup win items

Group - A group that is given to the player as a prize
Chance - The chance at which this prize is awarded
GiveType - Award type, if ONE, then the player is given only one prize (Actions), if RANDOM, then a prize with different chances is selected (RandomActions)


  • %player% - Player name
  • %group% - Group name
  • %groupdisplayname% - Group display name
  • %casename% - Case name
  • %casedisplayname% - Case display name
  • %casetitle - Case title


  • [command] - the console command will be executed
  • [broadcast] - the message will be sent to all players
  • [message] - the message will be sent to player who opened the case
  • [title] - the title will be sent to the player who opened the case (sign ; separates the title from the subtitle)
- '[title] (title);(subtitle)'
  • [sound] - the sound will be played for player who opened the case:
- '[sound] (sound) (volume) (pitch)'

GiveType: ONE

      Actions: # GiveType: ONE
- '[command] lp user %player% parent set %group%'
- '[title] &aCongratulations!;&5you won %groupdisplayname%'
- '[broadcast] &a>&c>&e> &c%player% &6won a donate %groupdisplayname% &6from &5Ultra-Case.'

GiveType: RANDOM

      RandomActions: # GiveType: RANDOM
Chance: 50 # Chance between random actions
DisplayName: "something" # displayname for historydata displaying
- '[command] say something'
- '[broadcast] &a>&c>&e> &c%player% &6won a donate %groupdisplayname% &6from &5Ultra-Case.'
Chance: 50 # Chance between random actions
- '[command] say something'
- '[broadcast] &a>&c>&e> &c%player% &6won a donate %groupdisplayname% &6from &5Ultra-Case.'

Alternative actions

It is performed when the player's group is higher than the one he won (available for both types of GiveType)

      AlternativeActions: # GiveType: any, it doesn't matter; is performed if the group is lower in rank than the player's group in LevelGroups
- "[message] &cI'm sorry %player%, but you have group a stronger group than you won:("

Actions cooldown

[cooldown:<delay in seconds)] With this option, you will be able to perform actions with a certain delay.

      Actions: # This command will be executed 1 second after the case is opened
- '[cooldown:1][command] lp user %player% parent set %group%'