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Register sub commands

To create an subcommand class, we will use the SubCommand interface

TestSubCommand class

import com.jodexindustries.donatecase.api.SubCommand;
import com.jodexindustries.donatecase.api.SubCommandType;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class TestSubCommand implements SubCommand {
* Executes the given sub command
* @param sender Source of the command
* @param args Passed command arguments
public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
// code here as normal command

* Tab completions
* @param sender Source of the command
* @param args Passed command arguments
* @return Tab completions
public List<String> getTabCompletions(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
//code here for tab completions
return new ArrayList<>();

* Command type (ADMIN, MODER, PLAYER)
* @return SubCommandType

public SubCommandType getType() {
return SubCommandType.PLAYER;

* Get command arguments * to appear in the Command Description in /dc help
* @return Command arguments
public String[] getArgs() {
return null;

* Get command description
* A description that should act as a description of the command in the /dc help
* @return Command description
public String getDescription() {
return null;

Main class

public void onEnable() {
// getting CaseManager
CaseManager api = new CaseManager(this);
// register subcommand
SubCommandManager subCommandManager = api.getSubCommandManager();
subCommandManager.registerSubCommand("test", new TestSubCommand());